Walk Into ANY Grocery Store and Know Exactly Which Are the Best Products to Buy



Walk Into ANY Grocery Store and Know Exactly Which Are the Best Products to Buy




Easily add all the brands that actually care about your health and the quality of their product to your basket - without second-guessing yourself.

How would it feel if you could walk into any grocery store and know exactly which are the best products to buy based on their ingredient list - without depriving yourself (or your family) of the foods you love?

I’m not talking about denying yourself the odd Snickers bar here or there.

This is about understanding that the majority of the American diet is made up of ultra-processed food. Because when you actually learn what most brands are feeding us, you’re left thinking “what the heck?!”. And if great grandma didn’t eat it, why should you?!

A hand reaches from the left, holding the top handle of a black wire grocery basket sits on a surface, filled with various food products and produce.

You know you’re not meant to live off ultra-processed and highly modified foods.

But maybe you feel like…

 Grocery shopping is too confusing because there are too many options - and it’s hard to know what’s truly good for you. Sugar-free? Zero fat? All natural?  

 Navigating food labels is a nightmare. Don’t you need a degree for this?!

 Making everything from scratch is just not an option. You need quick, simple alternatives you and your family can grab’n’go - and actually want to eat!

 You don’t want to deprive yourself of your favorite foods. Whenever you’ve tried to completely cut something out in the past, it hasn’t worked. You want to be realistic.

When you understand which ingredients are truly good for you - and you know exactly what to avoid - you’re setting yourself up for a lifetime of good health.

Rather than feeling confused or frustrated by the shelves of “all natural” and “non-GMO” products being sold to you, what if you could feel 

Because you know how to choose wholly nourishing foods.

A person in a grocery store aisle looking at products next to their grocery cart, holding a box, with an Anywhere Nutrition tote bag hanging off their shoulder.


You might have your own patterns and tough-to-shake preferences. But if you’re reading this, it means you want more for yourself, and your family. 

Because you understand that making healthy changes 
now is going to set you up for a healthier, fuller life down the road. And it all begins the next time you run out to fill the fridge. 


The Good-For-You Grocery Course

Breaking down ingredient labels, so you know how to shop healthier - for life.


The Good For You Grocery Course isn’t like anything else you’ve tried before…

Take the guesswork out of making healthier decisions at the grocery store.

Spend less time reading labels and wondering if certain ingredients are actually healthy or not and more time enjoying delicious, nourishing meals with your family.  


 Say “No, thanks!” to the confusing shelves of products that claim to be ‘all natural’ or ‘made with real ingredients’. 

Instead, become empowered and knowledgeable about the brands that are truly good for you. Because for decades the food industry has been profiting off our ignorance, and you deserve better!

A close up of someone holding a container of Nancy's organic probiotic 100% grass-fed whole milk yogurt
A close up of someone holding a container of COCOYO living coconut yogurt

 There’s no pressure to get it “perfect” from the start. 

This isn’t an “all or nothing” kind of course. You can take your time to work through the material. It’s all about making little tweaks over time - they make a BIG difference.


 Get qualified, professional support from a licensed dietitian and certified nutritionist. 

I’ve done all the research for you, so all you have to do is have fun trying new products and discover what works for you!

All of this is accessible via an app on your phone, or from any device with an Internet connection.


Empowering you with the science-backed knowledge to choose better, so you can feel confident that you’re TRULY nourishing yourself & your family

Did you know? 
Ultra-processed food consumption has been linked to diseases like cancer, dementia and heart disease?*

And it all begins with knowing what your best options are out there!

No more frustrated grocery store runs trying to decipher food labels and nutrition info, wondering "is this actually even good for me?!".

Emily Niswanger, with long straight brown hair, glasses standing in a kitchen smiling at the camera

I created this course to:


Show you that eating better now actually saves you money spent on possible doctors or hospital visits down the road. I always say, you’ll never know what diseases you prevented if you start now. 


Help you see that eating healthy doesn’t mean sacrificing flavor. The truth is, when you start eating more real, whole foods, you’ll notice your taste buds adapt and you’ll begin to enjoy real flavors more (rather than the artificial flavorings found in so many ultra-processed foods).


Help you try new things - and getting the folks at home to try new things, too - can be a lot of fun. And hey! You might discover - and fall in love with - new products you never even knew existed before.

Someone shopping in the produce section of a grocery store. They are putting vegetables into their cloth mesh shopping bag.

You might have already tried

Researching ingredients on your own, but it always feels like opening a can of worms. You end up feeling more confused than when you started.

 Following different “health gurus” on social media, but their information is contradictory. Who should you believe?!

 Buying from online influencers who claim their product is THE game changer you need - but is what they’re selling actually good for you? And you wonder if you’re just getting scammed by good marketing…

 Buying the so-called “all natural” or “antibiotic-free” options at the grocery store, but something’s telling you you’re being duped.

 Eliminating certain foods…but it never lasts because your cravings always come back. The all or nothing mentality is not working.

 Meal replacement shakes, thinking you’re giving your health a boost. But you sense what’s inside these kinds of products may be doing more harm than good!

Here's what people are saying...

Photo of Elizabeth VanMech, course student.

"This course has been so helpful to me. It has lots of good information about products beyond just the ingredient list. The next best thing to having Emily with you during your grocery trip!"

Elizabeth VanMech

Photo of Angela Cooper, course student.

"The course has empowered me in a way I never thought possible. It has taught me how to take back control of what I buy. The videos are perfect, short, and packed with information"

 Angela Cooper


Take the guesswork out of shopping for healthier groceries with this easy-to-digest course, created especially by me - a registered dietitian.

 Short, impactful, easy-to-stomach* videos - filmed in a real grocery store *pun intended!

All it takes is about 20 minutes a week to watch a simple, straight to the point, info-packed video I’ve created just for you! Each module dives deep into a specific section at the grocery store - and each video is filmed inside a real grocery store! - so you can learn about what to look for when it comes to making healthier choices.

A tablet with keyboard and pencil shows the course.
Emily Niswanger sitting in her kitchen, holding a mug, smiling at the camera.

 Extra support with weekly live Q+As with me inside our exclusive community group

Watched the video but still wondering if what you’re already buying is any good? Or found a new product at the store and want to know if it passes the health check? Submit your questions before our weekly live to get answers and meet some of your fellow course members inside the exclusive Good For Your Grocery Course community group! You’re not alone in this.

✓ Ditch the overwhelm with drip-fed learning

One module is released each week to reduce overwhelm - you never have to feel pressured to revamp every bit of your shopping list all at once. This course is all about making small changes over time, rather than a ‘cold turkey’ approach…let’s set you up for a lifetime of wellness!

A laptop on a desk with different course modules on the screen.
A view over someone's shoulder while they look at the course on their laptop

 Professional, real-food-focused guidance

With me in your corner, you’re getting registered dietitian nutritionist-approved info you can easily apply to your next shop. You’ll never have to stand in the grocery store scratching your head, wondering “is this good for me?!” again.


A woman with curly shoulder length hair is shopping in a grocery store, holding a small container in one hand with their phone and a several papers folded in half in the other hand. She has a grocery cart in front of her with her purse and produce inside.

The Good-For-You Grocery Course


  • Short, impactful, easy-to-stomach videos

  • Drip-fed learning. One module is released each week to reduce overwhelm.

  • Extra support with weekly live Q+As with me inside our exclusive community.

  • Professional, real-food-focused guidance. You’re getting certified nutritionist-approved info you can easily apply to your next shop.



Here’s what’s covered in the Good For You Grocery Course:


We’ll get started with a quick intro from me. Just like any new challenge, it’s key to talk about mindset - I’ll get you set up for success with a pep talk and some reframes, which I hope will make all the difference to how you approach the course. We’ll also review some of the basics - like daily recommendations for sodium and added sugar & what these actually mean for your health.

A laptop on a desk showing a module from the Good For You Grocery Course

 Week 1: Produce, dairy, eggs, non-dairy alternatives.

  • Produce & produce packaging
  • Milk, dairy & dairy free
  • Shelf stable milk
  • Butter, dairy & dairy free
  • Eggs
  • Yogurt, dairy & dairy free
  • Cheese

 Week 2: Meat, eggs, chicken, bacon and deli meat 

Not all protein is created equal! Let’s deep dive into what you should be looking for on these packages and what doesn’t mean anything (greenwashing).

  • Deli meat & Bacon
  • Chicken & Beef
  • Plant-based meat
  • Frozen foods overview

 Week 3: Grains (gluten and gluten-free): 

There are hundreds of these products at the average American grocery store. I’ll help you find the best one available to you.

  • Canned goods
  • Bulk
  • Granola bars
  • Tortillas
  • Grains 
  • Granola & Cereal
  • Gluten-free grains

 Week 4: Condiments, nut butter, oils, spices 

  • Spices
  • Nut butters
  • Ghee
  • Coconut oil
  • Olive oil
  • Avocado oil
  • Salad dressings
  • Other condiments

What’s NOT in the bag?

✕ Specific brand recommendations - I’ve designed this course to give you the knowledge you need to find the best grocery option for you and your health. So no matter what’s in stock and no matter which store you walk into, you’ll be able to pick up any product, flip it over, read the ingredients, and know whether or not it’s a healthy choice for you and your family.

 Alcohol, cookies, crackers, chips, supplements - We won’t be looking into these because I wanted this course to focus on the foods you eat the majority of the time. Enjoying your favorite bag of chips from time to time isn’t going to be a deal breaker for your health. It’s all about creating healthy habits and choosing well 80% of the time. I will be going over general sugar and sodium guidelines, however, so you’ll still be able to compare different brands and make a choice that feels good for you.

✕ This is not a passive course - You can expect a little bit of homework! The more active you are in participating in the weekly Q+As and inside the community group, the more value you’re likely to get from going through this course. Other people like you will probably have similar questions and these areas are made for you to discuss with each other and bring your discoveries to me as you all learn how to navigate the grocery store in new ways.


Allow me - a certified integrative and functional dietitian nutritionist with 10+ years of experience - to guide you through every corner of the grocery store. Spend less time wondering what’s the best option and more time living at your best.

And what do all those letters at the end of my name mean?!

I’m a Master of Science, Registered Dietitian Nutritionist, Licensed Dietitian, and Integrative and Functional Nutrition Certified Practitioner. (Basically, I’m a huge nerd and I really know my stuff when it comes to nutrition!)

I’m all about promoting healthy eating, with a common sense approach. This isn’t a diet. It’s a lifestyle change that’s going to set you up for years to come. 

Above all, I’m here to celebrate and advocate for good nutrition - and I believe that starts with real food and real ingredients.

Eating well doesn’t mean being restrictive. You don’t have to give up your family’s favorite recipes. With my help, you can empower yourself to learn about exactly what goes into the food products you’re buying, and discover how to make small-but-mighty changes over time.


You might have seen me on...

& I've


1000+ people

over 10 years


400+ Folks

through my membership

Screen shot from a Good For You Grocery Course student: "Really thank you! You're out there doing the heavy lifting and we're all benefiting from it. I've had so many discussions with my sister and my daughters about how different our eating habits, patterns, and behaviors around food would be if only we had learned a lot of this sooner I feel so much more in control of my body and my health then I ever have before and your meal plan has been a huge part of that. 💕"
Screen shot from a Good For You Grocery Course student: "loving your advice on reducing grocery bills - I have been saving money and realizing I don't need to buy anything that is not on the plan for that week and that it will be there next week." Emily's response: It's THE BEST! following a plan is a game changer 🙌
Screen shot from a Good For You Grocery Course student, Tiffany Farrell: "The plan has been working fantastic!!! My body feels so good! I want to Thank you for all of your knowledge and info and for helping people like me feel good about herself ❤️❤️ I was dealing with a lot of bloating and gas and it has gone down tremendously since I started!!!"
Screen shot from a Good For You Grocery Course student: "I just wanted to shoot you a message to say thank you for this meal plan. It has literally been the best thing I have ever done! I have never had trouble eating healthy but always struggled with having my meals planned out. I also have always HATED cooking and I truly have been enjoying it with this kind of structure. So thanks a bunch! This has for real been a game changer!"

It's time to choose better!

✓ You don’t have to spend hours in a grocery store if you know what you’re actually looking for. Once you know what to buy, you can be in and out in a flash!

 Easily swap to healthier products if needed without feeling deprived. You don’t have to give up your favorites. It’s all about making small changes over time. If it’s restrictive, it’s not sustainable.

✓ Stop getting tricked by these big food companies who are selling you the “all natural” lies. Empower yourself with real-food knowledge so you never get duped into buying fake health products again.

 Support brands who are advocating for real, whole-body health. Because every dollar you spend is a vote for a better, healthier future for all of us.

 Give yourself a pat on the back for taking control of what you’re feeding your body - and get your family to fall in love with the healthier options, too!

✓ The reward isn’t just feeling and looking better - but also knowing you’re doing better for your health and the health of your family.

The more you learn about the RIGHT ingredients that fuel your body and how to better navigate the grocery store, the less YOUR HEALTH will be impacted down the road.


You can’t put a price tag on good health.

Hiring your own personal clinical dietitian or nutritionist could cost you hundreds or even thousands of dollars. Get all the latest info and professional guidance you need to make better choices - for a fraction of the cost.

 I’ve done the research for you. And when I say research, I’ve read all the articles and actively keep up with the latest scientific data. I break it down for you into bite-size chunks, making it easy to understand - so you know exactly what to choose next time you‘re in the grocery store.

 The real cost of living a healthier life is priceless. I know it’s difficult to think about, but the cost of possible hospital visits and specialist doctors in the future? No thanks. Making small, positive changes now really adds up.

 Food can be healing or as my gal TayTay says, it can death by a thousand cuts. In this course, we’re talking about real-food alternatives to your well-loved favorites. So you never have to feel deprived, and so you know you’re doing the best you can for yourself and your family.

 Every action you take is a vote for a healthier future - by learning how to shop better, you’re changing the world for future generations!

 You’ll never know what diseases you prevented if you start now!

Tasty Bonus Time!

A man sitting outside surrounded by plants, maybe by a garden, with a large brown pig.


Buying Local/Farm-to-Table Shopping

I interviewed farm-to-table expert Jack McCann and asked him what questions we should all be asking farmers before we buy directly from the farm. This will help you feel confident that you’re getting exactly what you’re looking for. 


Shopping the Seafood Section

I’ve partnered with a seafood expert for this module! You’ll learn all about what those different labels mean - like ‘farm raised’ and ‘sustainably sourced’ - so you can make the best choices for you when buying fish and seafood. 

A woman standing in the seafood section of grocery store, smiling looking at the camera.

Not sure if the Good For You Grocery Course is for you?

Let’s chat about it!


Don’t worry - I’ll never give you the “hard sell”. Just here to help you decide if this would be a good fit for you.

And if you want to get your burning questions answered, keep scrolling for those FAQs.


a small brown paper bag on a counter with 3 apples and a small cloth bag.


Frequently Asked Questions

Two white mesh cloth bags full of produce lay in a wooden kitchen counter.

Here’s what happens when you sign up…

et instant access to the Good For You Grocery Course online portal.

 We start as a group on January 31st and then every week you’ll be notified about the latest uploaded video inside the portal. Simply login and enjoy learning in bite-size chunks. 

 Each week I’ll host a live Q+A. Bring your burning questions and products you’ve discovered or share how you’re feeling after making those small-but-mighty tweaks!

 Give yourself a pat on the back for taking action and feeding yourself - and your family - truly healthy food!

Screenshot of a message from a Good For You Grocery Course student:  ‘Your meal plan membership is the best three! this was so easy to make and it's so good! thank you for creating such thoughtful and nutrient-dense meal plans! 😄”
Screenshot of a message from a Good For You Grocery Course student: “Just so you know. I am very thankful for you !!! My doctor asked what I was Doing differently.. I said. Healthy fat and infrared sauna” Emily’s response: YAS 👏👏👏  So proud of you!
Screenshot of a message from a Good For You Grocery Course student: “We were talking about you last night as the girls were telling their friend that I am such a better cook now because I make interesting healthy food because of you! ❤️”
Screenshot of a message from a Good For You Grocery Course student: “Gurl I made the butter chicken and cauliflower rice and I am in heaven!!! My daughter even ate some! I have NEVER gotten cauliflower in her! You are magic, this meal plan is magic! 🥰🥰”
A cloth mesh bag of potatoes with a bunch of carrots and a leek.

The Good-For-You Grocery Course


  • Short, impactful, easy-to-stomach videos

  • Drip-fed learning. One module is released each week to reduce overwhelm.

  • Extra support with weekly live Q+As with me inside our exclusive community.

  • Professional, real-food-focused guidance. You’re getting certified nutritionist-approved info you can easily apply to your next shop.

someone grabbing a beet from a mesh cloth bag next to another cloth bag full of potatoes, carrots, and leek